[ILLUSION] AI Shoujo |  AI  少女 - uncensored

Brand / ブランド: ILLUSION


File Format: - .exe

Voice: JAP

Text: ENG | JAP | RUS

Release Date: 2019-10-25



1. Download distribution

2. In the root folder of the game, run the launcher InitSetting.exe // to start the game without launcher AI-Syoujyo.exe

3. Select the graphics settings, the desired language and click the Start AI Shoijo button to start the game // Start Studio Neo to start the studio.

4. Play. / Create.


Russian translation is selected by default

1. File Ai-Syoujyo\Bepinex\config\AutoTranslatorConfig.ini open with notepad and change the line Language=ru to Language=en

2. If you have already launched the game with English translation, then delete _AutoGeneratedTranslations.ru.txt and _Substitutions.ru.txt in the Ai-Syoujyo\Bepinex\Translation folder.


Download: Rapidgator


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